AMP Initiatives

Liberative Education

AMP’s liberative education programs provide the space for folks to reimagine themselves in relation to their communities. I see my clients as sovereign and conscious beings - fully capable of making wise decisions about what liberation means for them. AMP’s programs spark dialogue that begin with self relating in order to thoughtfully engage in collective practice. It is through this initiative that clients can engage with ideas and then embody the meanings and beliefs they discover in their day to day lives. 

Culture Building

An environment is only as healthy as their leadership. AMP's culture building initiative provides coaching, consulting, and conscious counseling to assess the social behaviors and unspoken cultural norms of a given environment. It is through this initiative that I provide support to assess systemic ideologies and habits in a given environment - in order to create safe cultures where AMP’s clients are empowered to show up as themselves.

Human Development

Healthy human development requires space for self-exploration. I intentionally partner with somatic practitioners, therapists, and artists who guide individuals to relate to themselves in ways that align with their evolution

Youth Leadership

Youth leadership is integral to the fabric of any leadership team. They are wise, meticulous, multi-hyphenated, devoted, creative, and dedicated to liberation. It is through this initiative that we resist adultism by providing spaces for youth leaders to explore and demonstrate their power.

Interfaith Dialogue

Spirituality and religion deeply inform the values and beliefs of a culture. Through AMP’s Interfaith Dialogue initiative, clients are able to engage in spirit led dialogue as a way to explore social justice related issues on a local level. AMP’s various faith leaders identify with an array of faiths and philosophies, and invite clients to partake in radical self inquiry through spirituality.