The Reclamation

Reclaiming What Was Always Yours To Hold & To Cherish - Your Voice

    • You have realized that you no longer want to navigate your way through life - speaking, living, and behaving to appease people.

    • You are curious and deliberate about cultivating a deep intimacy with your voice

    • Your ready to alchemize the theory of reclaiming your authentic self to a lifestyle of praxis 

This workshop may be for you if….

  • The art of discerning your voice

  • Identifying the social bindings that sought to keep you fragmented and small 

  • Holding what hurts, while also being open to what restores 

  • Celebrate the process as you pursue your reclamation

What you can expect

After this workshop you may notice that

  • You no longer have the energy for conversations and relationships that like you masked 

  • You see your voice as valuable and unique and therefore unapologetically show up in your full expression

  • You find safety in your voice because you trust it

  • You find safety in the counsel of your own wisdom rather than needing another’s voice to affirm your decisions

  • You start navigating your life with boldness

  • You begin to start living a sovereign lifestyle

  • You stop being a megaphone for other people's ideas and beliefs

  • Your telling the truth more and refuse to speak lies

  • You develop a beautiful relationship with grieving and devotion

  • You stop fawning as a way of relating

  • You fall in deeper love with yourself 

  • You fuck with yourself more than anybody else


Is This In-Person or Virtual?

This is a FREE virtual workshop.

Will There Be A Recording?

Yes! There will be a recording distributed to registrants only. It will be available until 6/13/2023.

What Do I Need?

  • Notepad + Pen - Although I don't want you to be taking notes the whole time, you may have an “aha moment” or vibe with someone's share - having a place to take notes can help you capture that moment.

  • Cozy Clothes + Comfortable Environment -  I want you to experience comfort in your body, and having your favorite comfy clothes in a comfortable environment can help you relax and lean into the workshop.

  • A Delicious Beverage - Having your favorite latte or tea nearby always makes things a little bit better.

  • A Picture Of You Between The Ages of 5-8 years old - We will be engaging in an activity that will require us to engage with our younger selves- please have this close by.

  • Candle - The element of fire has the power to both create and destroy. A candle symbolizes love and hope, light and warmth, celebration and commemoration. The purpose of the candle is symbolic of the work we will be doing - illuminating what may have not been realized, joy, reverence and deep reflection. We will light our candles together to open up the workshop.

  • Notifications Off– The more present you are the more you can witness yourself and others. Consider turning off your notifications to respect this time.

Who Is This For?

  • This container is designed for women (cis and trans), non-binary folks, folks who honor and celebrate feminine energy, and anyone assigned to be female at birth.

  • People who can handle a little bit of spiciness in a conversation

  • Folks who have the super power of neurodivergence.

This workshop is an introduction to my 7 week program

The Return.

 If you are interested in deeper teachings and coaching feel free

to book a clarity call with me to learn more about

The Return.